Smart Edu

Smart Edu (Integrated School/College/University Management Software):

Smart EDU is the best end-to-end and all in one (both academic and administrative) next-generation education management software solution in Bangladesh that directly empowers your institution, ensures institutional growth by tracking the students and teachers performances, timely assessment of human resources, boost up academic activities, managing resources,  helps to monitor students and teachers  success, deliver research excellence and improve institutional effectiveness, productivity and maintaining communication among the users campus-wide.

This is the easy to use but powerful tool integrated with different features and excellence in productivity. It has different administrative and academic functions which can be operated through different modules like Student Admission, Course, Class, Exams, Results, Online Class, Tuition fees, Accounting, HRM and most importantly you would be able to track the drop out students of your institutions. Through using the services any institutions can come across the administrative, information sharing and performance related challenges regular basis.

Daffodil Computers Ltd., the best IT and software company in Bangladesh, is offering this extraordinary software with the following’s modules:

  Modules of Smart Edu:

Ø   Admission Management 

Ø   Course Management

Ø   Classroom Management

Ø   Faculties Profile

Ø   Students Profile

Ø   Students Accounts

Ø   Students Attendances

Ø   Exams Management 

Ø   Scholarship/Waiver Management 

Ø   Virtual Class Room

Ø   Learning Management System 

Ø   Library Management System 

Ø   Financial Accounts

Ø   Assignments Management

Ø   Teacher Student Relationship Management 

Ø   Human Resources Management

Ø   Employees’ Loans & Advance

Ø   Vehicle Tracking Management

Ø   Announcements

Ø   Documents Management

Ø   Project

Ø   Calendar

Ø   Contacts

Ø   Website

Ø   Email Marketing

Ø   Chatbot

Ø   Website Wiki

Ø   Events Management and many more…

For the demo:

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