Smart Hospital

Smart Hospital (Hospital/Clinic/Diagnostic Management Software):

Smart Hospital (Hospital Management System) is an element of health informatics that focuses mainly on the administrational needs of hospitals. It is a comprehensive, integrated information system designed to manage all the aspects of a hospital's operation, such as medical, administrative, financial, and legal issues and the corresponding processing of services. 

Hospital Management systems provide a common source of information about a patient's health history. The system has to keep data in a secure place and controls who can reach the data in certain circumstances. These systems enhance the ability of health care professionals to coordinate care by providing a patient's health information and visit history at the place and time that it is needed. The patient's laboratory test information also includes visual results such as X-rays, which may be reachable by professionals. Smart Hospital provides internal and external communication among health care providers. Portable devices such as smartphones and tablet computers may be used at the bedside.

Based on our experience and technical knowledge we developed this Hospital Management Vertical. Using these modules users can manage their HMS-related flows and requirements. To make it easier and simpler. We have divided Smart Hospital into multiple parts so users can use whichever flows are useful for them based on need.

Daffodil Computers Ltd., the best IT and software company in Bangladesh, is offering this extraordinary software with the following’s modules:

Modules of Smart Hospital:

Ø   Graphical Dashboard

Ø   Patients Management

Ø   Physicians Management

Ø   OPD/Appointment Management

Ø   IPD/Hospitalization Management

Ø   Laboratory/Pathology Management 

Ø   Patient Billing

Ø   Pharmacy Management

Ø   Physicians Management

Ø   Patient Queue Management 

Ø   Blood Bank Management

Ø   Hospital Finance Management

Ø   Stock Management System

Ø   Website Integration 

Ø   Customer Relationship Management 

Ø   Human Resource Management

Ø   Vehicle Tracking Management 

Ø   Documents Management

Ø   Contacts

Ø   Calendar

Ø   Surveys

Ø   Chatbot

Ø   Website Wiki

Ø   Mail Tracking

Ø   Management Dashboard

Ø   Events Management and many more…

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